Monday, January 11, 2010


Change for Change and the Economic Stimulus Conference-- Join and Support

Powershift in cooperation with Change for Change is an organization effort designed to unite and end the "problems" that African-Americans face along with the rest of America. Sounds like a lot! Well the truth is that most people work without thinking about the needs of "other people and their problems!" People who think about the needs of others become "wealthy" by producing and distributing items that are needed by all people. We can become "wealthy" by changing the way we "think." The solutions to all our problems will take us building a business organization designed to distribute and/or produce items of necessity. This will create a minimum of 16,000 jobs across America. We must start today by recruiting people who want to see an "end to financial problems" for "themselves and others." It cannot work any other way. All people who are recruited must help with "recurring and fund-raising." All interested in joining "Pocket Change" need to forward their name, address, phone number and e-mail address and send $5 (pocket change) today. Yes, $5 could prove to be the greatest investment you make!! What do you have to lose? Help someone else by forwarding to as many people as possible. "Pocket Change" will change your destiny..."
Send to:
3207 Washi9ngton Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63103
All Economic Stimulus Membership Cards and information packets will be forwarded to you.