1. The Family Task Force:
We believe, like President Obama, these are the top five ways to help our children achieve:
- Expect the best from your children and tell them their primary focus is to learn spiritually and naturally
- Turn off the TV: Read to your kids. Prioritize their education.
- Inspire your children to give back: To their church and community by finding service opportunities for them.
- Don't get numb to the violence in our communities and support drug treatment and anti-violent programs.
- Help your kids understand the power and independence that knowledge will bring them
"The Business Bishop" believes the high school dropout rate is a crisis that the nation cannot accept or ignore. Nationwide, three out of 10 students never graduate and in some inner-city schools, three out of 10 do. What’s disturbing about these numbers is that 12 percent of the schools produce 50 percent of America’s dropout rates.
“The rate at which African-American students are dropping out of high school is alarming. We at michael-bates.org believe that there is a serious need for strong, influential leaders of African-American descent to serve as mentors in minority communities to reverse this trend. It is extremely important for African-American youth to see leaders from their neighborhoods and of their heritage—blazing trails and giving back—and not just entertainers and athletes.
Michael Bates encourages Black professionals – church and business leaders, entrepreneurs, lawyers, and doctors to lead the charge. More than anything else, a young person needs motivation. Without the presence of influential individuals who push education and professional development, a young person’s drive dies."
Homicide is the leading cause of death for African-Americans ages 10 to 24. In a 2007 nationwide survey, 36 percent of high school students reported being in a physical fight during the past 12 months, and 6 percent reported taking a gun, knife or club to school in the past 30 days.
“Black youth remain one of the most socio-economically disadvantaged groups in the United States, for reasons including poor parenting, single-family homes, lack of medical attention, lack of equal educational opportunities and substandard economic conditions.”
Homicide is the leading cause of death for African-Americans ages 10 to 24. In a 2007 nationwide survey, 36 percent of high school students reported being in a physical fight during the past 12 months, and 6 percent reported taking a gun, knife or club to school in the past 30 days.
“Black youth remain one of the most socio-economically disadvantaged groups in the United States, for reasons including poor parenting, single-family homes, lack of medical attention, lack of equal educational opportunities and substandard economic conditions.”
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national unemployment rate for African-Americans is nearly twice that of White Americans, with one in eight Blacks out of work. We are often fired first, look for work longer and take less pay when we do find jobs. Unemployment affects the stability of Black families and Black communities.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national unemployment rate for African-Americans is nearly twice that of White Americans, with one in eight Blacks out of work. We are often fired first, look for work longer and take less pay when we do find jobs. Unemployment affects the stability of Black families and Black communities.

2. The Children's Task Force:
3. The HIV Task Force: HIV counseling and running the self-help group
4. The Anti-Poverty Task Force: When students drop out today, of school or church, they are basically condemned to poverty and social failure. We need to make sure that our people are educated and prepared to take their rightful roles as leaders.
5. The One World Task Force: One-World Store, informational campaigns on the One World topic. At michael-bates.org, let's break the cradle to the prison pipeline and replace it with a cradle to jobs pipeline. Knowledge of self and one's history is most important.